What is your occupancy?
Our main classroom has a maximum capacity of 15 and our smaller classroom a maximum capacity of 10. There are always at least 2 staff members as well.
What are your ratios?
We have 2 teachers per classroom. Our teacher: child ratio in our main classroom is 2:15. In our smaller classroom 2:10.
How do children arrive in the morning?
Children are picked up from their vehicle by a teacher.
How are children picked up after class?
The children are picked up at the playground. The teacher walks the child to meet their parent outside of the playground. During inclement weather, a teacher will walk children out to the car from the classroom.
What cleaning procedures are used in the classroom?
Tables are cleaned throughout the day: before class starts, before snack and other times as needed. They are cleaned with soap and water, then with a ¼ c bleach to 1 gallon of water mixture.
Toys/Classroom Materials
A minimum number of toys and reusable classroom materials are available for use daily. Toys are sprayed before they come into the classroom and monthly with Freshstart. All toys and reusable classroom materials can also be disinfected with a 3M Quat solution. https://www.nasscoinc.com/janitorial/chemicals/chemicalmanagementsystems/3mflowcontroldispensingsystem/3mflowcontroldispensingsystem/10450857/
The classroom is professionally cleaned daily by the church custodian. The bathroom is also cleaned as needed throughout the day.
The classroom is professionally cleaned daily by the church custodian.
Is hand sanitizer used?
We use hand sanitizer after washing hands with soap and water. It is also used when hand washing is not possible, e.g. outside.
How often is hand washing done?
Kids and staff wash their hands upon arrival to school, before and after snack, after using the restroom, and other times as needed throughout the day. After hand washing, a teacher will then assist them in using hand sanitizer.
Are shoes allowed in the classroom?
Shoes are optional for both kids and staff while in the classroom.
How long do you spend outside?
We spend as much time as possible outside. Snacks, Bible story, projects and playtime all take place outside as weather allows. There are covered areas outside to use during rain. If inclement weather occurs, we will stay indoors.